Colleges Visiting TMS - A full list of the colleges currently scheduled to visit as well as a list of a few Open House events and local information sessions are posted on the Family Connection site. Here are the colleges scheduled to visit us in the next two weeks. Please add your name to the sign up sheet on my door and get the permission of your teacher to attend.
* Cornish College of Arts - Monday 11/30 at 11:00
College of the Week - Global. Rigorous. Inspiring. Macalester College challenges students to consider ideas from multiple perspectives, to be responsible global citizens and to forge solutions to problems that the world faces today and will encounter tomorrow. Students come from every state and 90 countries. The academic program ranks among the top 20 in the nation and includes broad research and internship opportunities. Graduates reap the benefits of a global education in the job market and at the nation’s top graduate programs.
Did you know? There are many deadlines in the college planning process. but do you know the derivation of the word? During the Civil War there were not enough prisons to house captured soldiers so a line was drawn in the dirt around the captives. Prisoners who ventured outside the line were shot. Thus, the deadline! While no one gets shot in the college planning process, there are a number of inflexible deadlines, one of which is the 11/30 deadline for UC and CSU applications. Do I sound like a broken record yet?
My Schedule this Week - I will be on campus on Monday from 9-4:30, Wednesday 10-4:30 and Thursday 10-4:30.
Your UC and CSU applications are due MONDAY 11/30 and should be submitted NOW to avoid the usual traffic and computer meltdowns on the deadline day.
Application Help On Monday 3:30-4:30 AND Wednesday 2:30-4:00 - See you in the Library!
Send test scores to your colleges - Don't forget that colleges want your official scores directly from the College Board or the ACT, even though they may have asked you what your scores were on the application. See me if you need help figuring out if your scores have been sent.
You know you're a senior if....
• Your college plans were the most popular topic of conversation at the Thanksgiving table.
• Every time you see the word Saturday, you can’t help but shiver as you notice it begins with the letters SAT.
• All of your internet bookmarks end with .edu,
• Holiday breaks don't feel like breaks or holidays.
• You delete more e-mail than you read but never delete a message from Susan. ☺
• You get more mail in one day than you have gotten in all of your 17 or 18 birthdays combined.
• You can't remember your friend's cell number, but you have no problem filling in your school’s CEEB code.
• Between Pre-Applications, Common Applications and Supplemental Applications, you feel you have never applied yourself so much.
SAT/ACT Registration Deadlines - If you need to take or retake the SAT, SAT Subject Tests or ACT this fall, the registration deadlines have passed. To test as a standby, see me.
Susan Gotshall-Maxon
College Counselor